How To Earn CA$H With HOMEBIZ MAX! Review the menu selection on ways to earn cash with HOMEBIZ.101. Since HOMEBIZ MAX! contains the HOMEBIZ.101 program, you will still benefit from the cash-earning components of HOMEBIZ.101! But now with HOMEBIZ MAX! you will be able to advertise and take orders for the HOMEBIZ MAX! package itself and keep $75.00 per sale! You will also be able to duplicate and re-sell the two disk-based books that now come with complete reproduction rights (Earning Cash With Your Commercial BBS, and The Complete Law Enforcement Reference Manual And Career Guide). You can even transfer these reproduction rights to others, if you wish. You can charge any price for the publications with or without the reproduction rights! Many mail order dealers are constantly searching for publications with reproduction rights to add to their inventory. Very seldom do you find full-length works such as these to offer to this group. You can "write your own ticket" with just these two titles, not to mention the other 100 reports with reprint rights and the other items that compose HOMEBIZ MAX! Sell the books and reports for the rest of your life! þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ The best way to advertise HOMEBIZ MAX! is by distributing The Mail Order PC Gazette disk catalog containing the HOMEBIZ MAX description. Advertising the Gazette through mail order channels and by uploading it to computer bulletin boards is most effective. You may also want to consider advertising on the major online services if you are a member of any of them. A printed sales letter would be rather lengthy and is more easily managed on-disk. This way readers can constantly refer to the individual products that make up the HOMEBIZ.101 and HOMEBIZ MAX! packages while they are reviewing the overall benefits of HOMEBIZ MAX! Advertise and take orders for Opportunities Online advertising using the FREE advertising certificates that come with HOMEBIZ MAX! You keep the whole $15.00 the customer will send you! Just send us the ad copy along with the certificate and we'll do the rest. You pocket the money! And remember, you get TEN of these certificates with HOMEBIZ MAX! That's $150.00 you're going to pocket, and your exxpense to fill these ad orders is just a stamp and an envelope! Of course, you can sell advertising at 50% commission at any time, but the free ad certificates are a nice bonus! Example of HOMEBIZ MAX! profits soon after starting: HOMEBIZ MAX re-sale.................................$75.00 HOMEBIZ.101 sale....................................$25.00 BBS Book, with repr. rights re-sale.................$50.00 L.E. Career Guide, with repr. rights re-sale........$50.00 Ad certificate sales................................$15.00 CA$H.EXE sale.......................................$40.00 or more! PC Disk Pub. Start-Up Kit...........................$10.00 Drug Awareness Software w/Dealership................$10.00 MOPC Gazette Dealership.............................$10.00 Police Reports......................................$10.00 or more! Drug Awareness Reprint Report.......................$10.00 or more! 100 Other Reprint Reports...........................$5-$200 or more! ADS.EXE.............................................$10.00 or more! _________ $320-$520 or more! Plus income from other publications and regular advertising sales! Now this example shows sales of just one sale of each of the major components of HOMEBIZ MAX! which, by the way, can be realized as a result of light advertising. With any amount of serious advertising and catalog disk distribution you can make multiple item sales month after month. This is especially true for the popular items like the complete HOMEBIZ MAX! and HOMEBIZ.101 packages! This performance is commonly demonstrated by many of our distributors who are serious about earning money! Once you've recovered your initial cost of HOMEBIZ MAX! everything after that, minus your advertising expense, is just about all profit! It costs you less than a dollar to process most orders since usually all you're doing is forwarding a dropship order to us! I don't see how anyone can fail to recover the initial cost of HOMEBIZ MAX! I honestly think one would have to try real hard in order to NOT make a lot of money! You decide.